Galore, an enigmatic and gender ambiguous Italian, is ready to take the stage in their debut show, “That’s Life: An Evening Through Heartache and Laughter.” Galore’s witty sense of humor and ironic self-deprecation will lead the audience through a tragicomic journey of their love life, combining jazz, musical theatre, and captivating storytelling.
As a Femme Fatale, Galore’s charm, intellect, and sensuality always draw every man to her feet, but only for a fleeting romance. The ironic curse of being the other woman haunts her, making her the character of her own tragicomedy.
“That’s Life” subverts gender roles within music, featuring a 5’10 baritone exploring “feminine” fashion and aesthetics, and providing new narratives for theatre classics and jazz standards. The show is a reflection of the artist’s struggle to find the best way to present themselves on stage, adding narrative to sets, and ultimately leading to a scripted show.
Through Galore’s meta-theatrical journey, the show challenges the audience to reflect on the contrast between reality and truth. Does something have to be tangible to be real? Does Galore have to be real to feel? These are the questions posed by the show, leaving the audience to be the judge of that.
Join Galore on this chaotic and fun journey of self-discovery, as they showcase their unique blend of music, fashion, and storytelling. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable performance of “That’s Life: An Evening Through Heartache and Laughter.”