Get ready for Ian Beetlestone and the Drowning Rats as they tease ya, please ya, don’t worry they won’t squeeze ya with their ‘Rrrrattty Jazz and Drowned Pop’. Born from the early days of this century on the Leeds house party scene, the Rats got together again in the mid 2010’s in London’s Kings X and they’re back – for our lovely Toulouse Lautrec audiences!
Original songs penned by pianist Beetlestone – if you say the name thrice, you may get a spontaneous serenade, from ya plumbing! – “Clinging to the flotsam left behind when Tom Waits, Nina Simone, Jaques Brel and the Shangri-Las were recovered from the wreck, the Rats are yet to be rescued.” So come along and offer them some applause in aid of this worthy retrieval mission.