The Rat Pack Burlesque Christmas Show
A festive evening of entertainment featuring live grand piano, a Frank Sinatra tribute, and hosted by Darren Charles as Saucy Davis Jr. Enjoy performances by international burlesque artists, a magician, and much more in a dazzling holiday celebration.
Dr Sketchy: The Anti Life-Drawing Class
Grab a pencil, grab a drink, and grab a seat for the most fun figure-drawing class in town!
WEF: Broadway & Beyond with Hayley Renee
Cabaret & Musical Theatre open mic nurturing collaborations between composers, performers, writers and other industry professionals.
WEF: An Evening with Jo Stephenson
Cabaret & Musical Theatre open mic nurturing collaborations between composers, performers, writers and other industry professionals.
Dr Sketchy: The Anti Life-Drawing Class
Grab a pencil, grab a drink, and grab a seat for the most fun figure-drawing class in town!
WEF: An Evening with Leo and the Nil Points. Eurovision Cabaret
Cabaret & Musical Theatre open mic nurturing collaborations between composers, performers, writers and other industry professionals.
Fenton Gray Presents with Charles Miller, Emma Odell & Drew Millar
An evening of songs by such composers as Noel Coward, Burt Bacharach, Irving Berlin, Tom Lehrer and , of course, Charles Miller.
WEF: An Evening with Amy
Cabaret & Musical Theatre open mic nurturing collaborations between composers, performers, writers and other industry professionals.
WEF: An Evening with Perle Solvès
Cabaret & Musical Theatre open mic nurturing collaborations between composers, performers, writers and other industry professionals.
Dr Sketchy: CATS AND DOGS!
Grab a pencil, grab a drink, and grab a seat for the most fun figure-drawing class in town!